Pumpstation SUDCAL, Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX)

Category :

Special buildings

Project :

new construction of a pump station for the production of district heating

Client :

Administration Communale de la Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette

Country :


Area :

ufa 1.200 m²

Start of planning :


Realisation :

09/2009 - 03/2011

Assignment :

complete architecture services

Award :

Nomination: Prix Luxembourgeois d’Architecture 2011 (LUX), European Architecture Awards 2017, Bruxelles (B)

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Project new construction of a pump station for the production of district heating client Sudcal S.A., Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX) planning services WW+ complete architecture services partner: civil engineering Schroeder & Associés, Luxembourg (LUX) technical engineering Goblet Lavandier & Associés, Luxembourg (LUX) ufa 1.200 m² gv 4.250 m³ start of planning 2007 realisation 09/2009 - 03/2011 award 2011 Nomination: Prix Luxembourgeois d’Architecture (LUX), European Architecture Awards 2017


Design description

The pump station building is located in a very representative part of the northeast entrance to the city of Esch-sur-Alzette. As a primarily technical building, its function is to store energy media and transport the latter as district heat to the surrounding areas. The ensemble essentially consists of four building parts. The cubes are encased by an exposed concrete façade and a stainless steel mesh. The chimney with its metal film forms the highest part and has a very slim appearance, dividing the front façade into three zones. The particular properties of the metal film result in various lighting scenarios, projecting interesting building effects during the day and at night. The choice of materials focused on ecological, economical and social aspects. Materials such as the stainless steel mesh or the concrete are thus fully recyclable, for instance.


The linking together of the individual structural elements was achieved through them being jointly placed on a type of base. This slightly elevated platform is surrounded by a steel strip. Basalt chippings providing a permeable surface act as a carpet around this structural patchwork. The additional exterior features trees and lawn.

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